Unsung Heroes
During the current climate of lockdown and uncertainty, many members of the cricket club are still working.
Some are within the NHS in medical and non medical roles, whilst many others are classified as "key workers" within the public and private sector.
These unsung heroes do work that is often overlooked, despite being considered as providing an essential service to enable others to live safely.
In an effort to shine a light onto the hard work on our cricket club members, we are asking members to nominate other cricket club members as unsung heroes.
These are your fellow club members, those we all play cricket and socialise with, who are now helping all of us.
“Nick Larking”
During this current crisis and lockdown the Government has encouraged us to all stay at home and “self isolate”
But what does this mean in reality ………. We can’t go out to the pub, or the cricket club, we can only shop for essentials like food and water. If we want anything extra we can all order it online; suddenly every supermarket has been flooded with home delivery requests and orders.
If they are to succeed, it seems that every other retailer has gone online, be it for essential or non essential goods, they still have to deliver it to us …………..
Those unsung heroes are the local courier delivery drivers, they come to our doors with our every need in a cardboard box; whilst they place the package outside, it does save us all trying to write our names on that silly electronic pad that is so ubiquitous.
These driver visit upwards of 100 different houses each and every day, from early morning to late at night.
I have selected “Nick Larking” as my unsung hero, firstly as I had no idea he was one such hero; I saw him by chance in the village and passed a few minutes cricket banter with him out of the car window, mainly slagging off his bowling.
After I spoke with him and realised that his girlfriend had in fact delivered to our own front door earlier that week, how lucky we are to have people like “Nick Larking” and his girlfriend still working while we self isolate.
Without people like “Nick Larking” and his good lady, thousands of people like you and me would not have our deliveries we take for granted.
“Nick Larking” is the embodiment of an unsung hero in the current crisis, he is at risk with every delivery he makes, not knowing who or where he will be the next day.
Thank you “Nick Larking” for all you are doing right now.
(Nominated by Geoffrey Cole)